Promotional Items / Budget & Wow Factor

Some companies set aside millions of dollars for campaigns when they plan ahead not knowing what the end result will be. The flops and extremely successful campaigns have one thing in common, people with ideas. The cool thing about ideas is that if they sound great and look great they probably are great. The tough part is spending the money to make that idea come to life. Some of the best promotional campaigns in history have flopped because the idea started big and budget limited results with the promotional item ending up in a junk drawer death.
We love ideas and want to help make yours come to life. Most likely your ideas come from something you have seen, group brainstorming or individually during those I can’t sleep moments when clarity is brightest. Make a note and let us help you research how to bring it to life the next day.
Our simplest advice is very basic and whether you are just starting a company or have been around for decades, make sure these key promotional touchstones are in place and automatic.
Logo: Is it fresh, recognizable and seen by every prospect you want in your target market?
People: Are they identifiable for who and what they represent and displaying your logo-message on their vehicles, business cards, customer giveaways and their apparel, caps and bags?
Stuff: Signs, Banners, Drinkware, Pens, key chains, etc. It’s a long list of over a million options we can have customized for you but does it keep? By keep, do your prospects, clients, partners and family keep these things so that they are reminded of your message, mission, service or products?
Our junk drawer has a lot of it, because that is where it belongs. You realize someone paid good money to advertise on this item so you don’t want to throw it away. However, every year or two that is what finally happens when the drawer starts spilling over and it’s time to downsize for newer junk. When you spend dollars to share the 5 W’s of what you do, make an effort to keep that item out of the junk drawer by thinking about what you and your five best prospects might do with it on a daily basis.
This time of year, everyone thinks about the obvious weather related items because of the temperature. Ask what can they use all year. A few favorites we suggest are as simple as pens, great items, lots of impressions but make sure it’s a favorite writing instrument for them so that if they lose it they come by to get another one. Travel mugs are always a big hit and get great use for both you and your organization if it’s a favorite. Business cards are great, but let’s be honest about what happens to them. Make yours a magnet and it may end up as a picture fastener on the fridge or file cabinet. Put a QR code on it so that they can scan it with their smart phone and add you to their contacts. Letter openers with a magnet are always over looked but never tossed if they are quality.
Seems silly, but when you think about the wrist bands you have seen since they became popular, do they have any other use other than the message they convey? We love to use them to wrap up that open package of bacon to keep it fresh in the fridge.
We are having fresh idea meetings all week long. Give us a call and let’s get together and find that non-junk drawer impression super start that will work hard for you all year.